Aaron’s Patch Notes 1.2 -10/13/2020


Aaron’s Patch Notes 1.2 -10/13/2020

Day #

What’s New


  • I added mesh colliders to all of the objects that will hell the cylinders move.


  • I used  playerRb.MovePosition(transform.position + movement * speed * Time.fixedDeltaTime);  to move my character


  • I programmed my character to move using the arrow keys


  • I froze my characters rotation on X and Z so it won't fall over yet and gave him a capsule collider


  • I added a mesh collider to the cylinders so they stay together. 


  • I made a obstacle rotate script so that the obstacles rotate horizontally on the X axis


  • I made a obstacle speed script to change the speed using   turnSpeed += 1.0f * Time.deltaTime;


  • I used transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, turnSpeed * Time.deltaTime); to rotate my obstacles


  • I gave the ground a mesh collider so that the person can stand on it


I customize my character to be more like a mummy.


Aarons Patch notes 10/13/20

New + Improved

  • I created a move down Script so that the “enemies” will move down the screen.
  • I created a destroy (gameobject) code so that when the enemy gets far enough on the screen it will delete.
  • I've added a rigid body and a box collider to all of the enemies and the main character.
  • I’ve made a speed variable for the enemies so they are allowed to go only a certain speed. 
  • I've made a player control script so i can program how the player will move

What’s Next

  • I want to fix and bugs that are in the game
  • I want to change what the enemies look like and make them a real object.
  • Create power ups or to add items that will naturally spawn to give extra health
  • Make it to where the main character won't fly when you hit the up arrow


Aarons Fall Guys 1.2 Play in browser
Oct 13, 2020

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